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Fredericton Homeless Shelters Inc. was established in October of 1982. Over the past forty years, we have witnessed the full spectrum of humanity, from its most inspiring moments to its most challenging ones, filling our journey with a wide range of experiences. We have grown from one coed shelter to two main shelters (one for women and one for men) to three shelters and four transitional housing units. We have worked with people from all walks of life and all parts of the world; they have all had one thing in common; they came to us for help. Help is what we are extremely skilled at providing. With each passing year revealing increasingly complex needs among the people we serve, our proficient staff, who are compassionate, persistent, and adaptable, work alongside many individuals in need within our community.

Throughout the years, The Shelters have been an integral part of our community. We have welcomed countless people through our doors, helping them find healthier paths in life and move into housing. Our mission has always been about helping people. Our staff have and continue to provide a sliver of hope in a world, which at times, can be cold and hard.  We have calculated that we have worked with over 12,000 people in the past forty years. From our programs to our material support, we don’t try to change the world; rather we change many worlds, one person at a time.

Grace House: A purple and yellow house surrounded by flowers

Our Model

In 2016, with the organization floundering a bit in terms of finding a place in the community that had made point of saying repeatedly that homeless was going to be solved in five years, we needed to refresh the organization, revisit what we were and what was our role in the community. Warren Maddox, Executive Director for The Shelters was introduced to the idea of a Continuum of Care, where The Shelters began a new direction. Our model is now one of the most effective models in the country for individuals experiencing homelessness to receive immediate help, overcome barriers and move forward in their journey.

The Continuum of Care

The Continuum is a model that looks at the individual and all the associated challenges that accompany that person as they try to navigate their way out of homelessness. It is evolutionary in nature, meaning as the world around us changes, we change with it. By taking that approach, we are never locked into an ideology that becomes obsolete with the next new toxic drug or the next new virus or the next new wave of housing challenges. In fact, the Continuum thrives in an ever-changing environment. It thrives because it is based on the person rather than rigid templates. The Continuum is about moving a person through a series of interventions and meetings to help them overcome issues that are keeping them from being successfully housed. The Continuum has evolved since it first was created, and recently adapted a Housing Focused framework. We have a highly effective Prevention and Diversion program and Transitional Housing to complement our Shelters. Our stellar in-house team includes Front Line Support staff, Transition Planners, and a Mental Health Counsellor. For post-shelter support, our Housing Specialists ensure that individuals maintain their housing. Everything aligns to give a strong, efficient and effective model that runs a success rate of 95% for those who work with us to solve their homelessness.

Our Leadership

The Shelters are a success because of people. We have great leadership that oversee, support and manage the operations of the organization. The Leadership of the Shelters are committed to accountability, to compassion, to professionalism and to helping people who are at their most vulnerable point of their lives.

Jill Kozak

President of the Board

Gary Jochelman

Vice-President of the Board

Scott Williams


Spencer MacInnis


Warren Stozek
Mark Palmer
Nadine Leblanc
Keirstin Hoyt
Warren Maddox

Executive Director

Vanessa Foss

Projects Manager

Tina Noble

Director of Operations

Cheryl McLaughlin

HR Engagement Specialist

Dave Rector

Manager of St John House

Amanda Gilliatt

Manager of Grace House